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Text File  |  1990-02-19  |  6KB  |  78 lines

  2. ╒═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╕
  3. │                                                                             │
  4. │   Welcome to CXL!  The CXL function library is distributed in 2 archive     │
  5. │   files.  They are:                                                         │
  6. │                                                                             │
  7. │       CXL52-1.ZIP - Demo, documentation, header files, and utilities.       │
  8. │       CXL52-2.ZIP - Small model libraries for Turbo C, Microsoft C,         │
  9. │                     QuickC, and Zortech C/C++.                              │
  10. │                                                                             │
  11. │   The "52" in the file names shown represent the current CXL version        │
  12. │   number and may or may not exist in the actual file names.  The file       │
  13. │   extension of ".ZIP" may not be the actual file extension used.            │
  14. │                                                                             │
  15. ╞═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╡
  16. │                                                                             │
  17. │   The detailed breakdown of these archives is as follows:                   │
  18. │                                                                             │
  19. │       CXL52-1.ZIP :                                                         │
  20. │           CXL.DOC      - library documentation                              │
  21. │           CXLDEF.H     - header file for miscellaneous functions            │
  22. │           CXLDEMO.ASC  - demonstration program ASCII source help file       │
  23. │           CXLDEMO.C    - demonstration program source code                  │
  24. │           CXLDEMO.EXE  - demonstration program executable file              │
  25. │           CXLDEMO.HLP  - demonstration program indexed help file            │
  26. │           CXLEMS.H     - header file for EMS functions                      │
  27. │           CXLKEY.H     - header file for keyboard functions                 │
  28. │           CXLMOU.H     - header file for mouse functions                    │
  29. │           CXLPRN.H     - header file for printer functions                  │
  30. │           CXLQREF.DOC  - quick reference for library functions              │
  31. │           CXLSTR.H     - header file for string functions                   │
  32. │           CXLVID.H     - header file for video functions                    │
  33. │           CXLWIN.H     - header file for windowing functions                │
  34. │           HISTORY.DOC  - CXL revision history                               │
  35. │           MAKEINDX.COM - program used to create indexed help files          │
  36. │           KEYCODE.COM  - utility that gets the keycode of a keypress        │
  37. │           READ.ME      - this file                                          │
  38. │           REGISTER.DOC - registration form                                  │
  39. │           UPGRADE.DOC  - upgrade form for registered CXL 4.x and 5.0 users  │
  40. │                                                                             │
  41. │       CXL52-2.ZIP :                                                         │
  42. │           CXLMSS.LIB   - small model CXL library for Microsoft C & QuickC   │
  43. │           CXLTCS.LIB   - small model CXL library for Turbo C                │
  44. │           CXLZTS.LIB   - small model CXL library for Zortech C/C++          │
  45. │           READ.ME      - this file                                          │
  46. │           REGISTER.DOC - registration form                                  │
  47. │           UPGRADE.DOC  - upgrade form for registered CXL 4.x and 5.0 users  │
  48. │                                                                             │
  49. ╞═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╡
  50. │                                                                             │
  51. │   These CXL libraries were compiled using:                                  │
  52. │                                                                             │
  53. │           Microsoft C 5.1                                                   │
  54. │           Turbo C 2.0                                                       │
  55. │           Zortech C 1.07c                                                   │
  56. │                                                                             │
  57. ╞═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╡
  58. │                                                                             │
  59. │   The current version of CXL can be downloaded from the following systems:  │
  60. │                                                                             │
  61. │+--------------------------------+-----------------+------------+----------+ │
  62. │|              NAME              |      PHONE      | MAX SPEED  | * ACCESS | │
  63. │+--------------------------------+-----------------+------------+----------+ │
  64. │| Techworks BBS -- Home of CXL   | (512) 590-0460  |  14400 HST | SL       | │
  65. │| CompuServe Information Service | check local no. |            |          | │
  66. │| GEnie Information Services     | check local no. |            |          | │
  67. │| Exec-PC BBS                    | (414) 964-5160  |  14400 HST | PCP, SL  | │
  68. │| Aardvark Softech BBS           | (209) 298-8453  |   9600 HST |          | │
  69. │+--------------------------------+-----------------+------------+----------+ │
  70. │                                                                             │
  71. │   *  Accessible via data network:                                           │
  72. │                                                                             │
  73. │         PCP == PC Pursuit (Telenet)                                         │
  74. │         SL  == Starlink (Tymnet)                                            │
  75. │                                                                             │
  76. ╘═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╛